14-04-0955 | (Classification & Compilation of orders & Instruction) | |||
27-04-0955 | Regulation 82 of the Bombay Electricity Board Employees Service Regulations. | |||
05-05-0955 | Security Deposit to be furnished by Board's Officer's and employees. | |||
14-05-0955 | Examonations-Professional-Procedure & Rules regarding-of Junior Engineer (E&M) and (Civil) and Deputy Executive Engineers. | |||
01-01-1970 | NOT ISSUED | |||
23-05-0955 | Concession of free supply of electricity and water to the staff employed on O&M works. | |||
01-01-1970 | Delegation of powers | |||
23-07-0955 | Continuance of contract Officers under Board's Service. | |||
22-07-0955 | (Corrections to BEB Employees S.Rs (Correction Slip No. V,VI & VII).) | |||
22-07-0955 | Taking of Peons on tour | |||
19-07-0955 | Extract from minutes of the 36th meeting of the Board held on 14.07.55 (Delegation of powers to make Imprest Advances B.R. No.719) | |||
01-01-1970 | Extract from minutes of the 36th meeting of the Bombay Electricity Board held on 14.07.55 (Relaxation of procedure of Recording of measurements B.R. No.731) | |||
18-07-0955 | Extract from minutes of the 36th meeting of the Bombay Electricity Board held on 14.07.55 ( Delegation of powers-passing bills for payment above Rs. 10,000/- B.R. No.743) | |||
08-08-0955 | Concession of free supply of electricity and water to the staff employed on O&M works. | |||
01-01-1970 | (Coditions for sanctioning the advances against TA either on tour or transfer.) | |||
01-01-1970 | Mofussil Legal Procedure. | |||
19-08-0955 | ( Time limit for submission and settlement of T.A. Bills and Delegation of powers to sanction time barred T.A. claims.) | |||
20-08-0955 | Bombay Electricity Board Employees Service Regulations Rule No.78(ii) | |||
10-09-0955 | Examination in Hindi-passing of -by Board's servants. | |||
01-09-0955 | (Leave provisions made applicable to the categaries of the employees listed in Appendix -'A'. | |||
01-09-0955 | (No Officer or employee to proceed outside the jurisdiction without the prior sanction of appropriate authority.) | |||
01-09-0955 | Regional Language Examination- passing of-by the Officers of the Bombay Electricity Board. | |||
10-09-0955 | (Addtions/corrections to BEB Employee's Service Regulations (Correction Slip No. VIII,IX,X,XI,XII,XIII,XIV & XV.) | |||
27-09-0955 | Nomination as per para 7 for the purpose of para 6 of the License No.IA (L) 2173 of 30.08.55 granted to the Board under the Bombay sales Act,1953. | |||
06-10-0955 | Service Regulations of the Bombay Electricity Board (C.S. No. XVI & XVII) | |||
06-10-0955 | (Corrections in B.E.B. Employee's S.Rs (Correction Slip No. XVI & XVII) | |||
13-10-0955 | (Corrections and/or deletions and or addtions to the BEB Employee's Service Regulations with reference to the provisions of T.A. and D.A. (Correction Slip No. 20,21,22,23,24,25 & 26) | |||
24-10-0955 | Consession of free supply of electricity and water to the staff employed on operation and maintenance works and provided with residential quarters. | |||
01-11-0955 | Accumulated leave under the old rules in the case of staff governed by clause 78 of the Bombay Electricity Board Employee's S.Rs. | |||
23-11-0955 | Procedure regarding rate and payment of overtime allowance to employees governed by the Factory Act and Minimum Wages Act. | |||
10-12-0955 | Residential Quarters for Divisional Accountants/Auditors and for Accounts/Audit Assistants in the mofussil with concession of free supply of electricity and water. | |||
01-01-1970 | Regional Language Examination- passing of the non-muslim displasd person in the employ of the Bombay Electricity Board. | |||
12-12-0955 | (Application of appropriate provisions of the B.C.S. Rs. Relating to T.A. to permanent employees from Government who have been lent to BEB) | |||
20-12-0955 | (Declaration of general/sectional and other sectional Holidays for the year 1956) | |||
22-12-0955 | (Rates of fees to the Presidency Surgeon Bombay and all the Civil Surgeons of the districts for undertaking physical fitness examination.) | |||
23-12-0955 | (Amendment to the B.E.B Employee's Service Regulations) | |||
23-12-0955 | (Correction to B.E.B Employee's S. Rs.- (Correction Slip No. 28 & 29) | |||
23-12-0955 | (Delegation of powers to the Executive Engineers in charge of Divisions to order temporary local promotions among the staff working in respective Divisions consistent with seniority in that divisions upto the level of Sr. Clerk/Sub-Engineers, in leave or | |||
01-01-1970 | Exemption from payment of octroi charges. | |||
02-01-0956 | (Grant of fares of the class next lower to one to which the employees are entitled when called to H.O. for interview of higher posts without incidentals and D.A. and to treat the absence as if they were on duty). | |||
04-01-0956 | (Following generally the Bombay Government's orders in respect of Territorial Army and Home Guards, issued from time to time.) | |||
06-01-0956 | (Delegation of powers for recording of measurements.) | |||
09-01-0956 | (Assistance to be given to co-operative Societies in the matter of realisation of their dues from the constituents of Such Societies who are the employees of the Board from their salary Bills.) | |||
25-01-0956 | Classification and compilation/consolidation of Orders,Circulars,Instructions etc.) | |||
24-01-0956 | House Tax-colony, Sub-stations and other buildings belonging to the Board and situated within Municipal Limits. | |||
30-01-0956 | (Correction to the B.E.B. Employee's S.Rs.) (CS No. 30 & 31) | |||
30-01-0956 | (Correction to the B.E.B. Employee's S.Rs.) (CS No. 32) | |||
04-02-0956 | (Introducing common test for all Sr, Accounts Clerks in Book Keeping) | |||
03-02-0956 | (Manner in which joining time pay is to be regulated) | |||
08-02-0956 | (Exercising of powers delegated to the Supdt. Engineer (P&C) by the Superintending Engineers of the Circle.) | |||
08-02-0956 | Additions to BEB Employee's S.Rs. CS No. 34) | |||
09-02-0956 | Examination in Hindi-passing of -by Board's servants. | |||
01-01-1970 | Power of Telegraph Authority-Sections 42 read with Section 29. | |||
09-02-0956 | (Sanctioning the pay scale of the posts of Store-Keepers.) | |||
13-02-0956 | Examonations-Professional-Procedure & Rules regarding-of Junior Engineer (E&M), Assitt. Engineer (E&M)and (Civil) and Deputy Executive Engineers. | |||
14-02-0956 | Delegation of powers-Recording Measurements of bulk supply purchase units. | |||
14-02-0956 | (Correction to the B.E.B. Employee's S.Rs.) (CS No. 33) | |||
14-02-0956 | Deposits made by the consumers prior to 30-03-1955, credited to wrong heads of Accounts. | |||
15-02-0956 | Fidelity Guarantee Insurance for Board's Employees. | |||
15-02-0956 | Allotment of quarters to various categories of staff at power house and sub-stations. | |||
18-02-0956 | Residential accomodation in quarters owened or leased by the Board. | |||
21-02-0956 | (Particulars to be furnished in all the proposals submitted to the Board requiring sanction of expenditure) | |||
21-02-0956 | (Delegation of powers in regard to (i) sale of unserviseable materials and tools and plant and (2) sale of scrap) | |||
28-02-0956 | Pledding of Natioanal saving Certificates. | |||
28-02-0956 | (Addtions of the categaries of employeess attached to the Power House in Appendix 'A' under Regulation no. 78 of the Bombay Electricity Board Employees Srevice Regulations (Correction Slip No. 35) | |||
28-02-0956 | (Deciding a uniform time scale to the post of Line Inspector who possess the requisite qualifications, experience etc. | |||
02-03-0956 | Telegraphic Abbreviated Addresses | |||
02-03-0956 | Continuance of staff sanctioned upto 29-02-1956. | |||
02-03-0956 | Fixing up of a limit of good service for promotion to subordinate Technical posts. | |||
06-03-0956 | Submission of items to the Board - Regulation of- | |||
08-03-0956 | Redesignation of some categaries of staff for O&M Division , Utran for administrativeconvenience. | |||
08-03-0956 | Installation of consumers own meters. | |||
08-03-0956 | Additions in the Accounts Heads prescribed by the Board. | |||
08-03-0956 | Submission of consumers General Ledger abstract as per this office Circular No. PC(BED)/11231 of 30-03-1955 | |||
12-03-0956 | Physical Stock taking as on 31-03-1956. | |||
15-03-0956 | (Allowing one month for submission of ordinary TA bills by employees. | |||
21-03-0956 | i) Rules of Conduct for Audit and other Sections, and ii) Scope of responsibility of the a)the Divisional Auditors or Audit Assistants, and b) The Divisional Accountants or Accounts Assistants. | |||
22-03-0956 | (Subjects to be dealt with by the various Sections, in the Head Office.) | |||
24-03-0956 | (Arranging the payment in respect of salaries and wages to the staff including Temporary and Work charged staff on the last working day of each month insread of on the first day of the suceeding month. | |||
24-03-0956 | (Deeming certain sectional holidays notified under GSO No.34 as General Public Holidays for the Year 1956) | |||
27-03-0956 | (Extending the concesions notified under GSO No.40 dt.21-01-1956 viz. grant of TA and absence to be treated as on duty in respect of interviews held by mofussil Officers where departmental candidates from other officers of the Board are called for promoti | |||
28-03-0956 | (Review of the provisions in respect of leave applicable to the staff mentioned in Appendix 'A' depending upon work exigencies. | |||
28-03-0956 | (Corrections to B.E.B. Employees S.Rs (Correction Slip No. 36) | |||
03-04-0956 | Grant of leave to Audit staff sanctioned in the mofussil and Head Office-(Modification to the Bombay Electricity Board Employees Srevice Regulations (Correction Slip No. 37) | |||
03-04-0956 | Procedure in matter of appointment of substitutes in the leave vacancies in relaxation of the existing orders. | |||
03-04-0956 | (Corrections to BEB. Employees S.Rs (Correction Slip No. 38) | |||
03-04-0956 | (Extending certain benefits in the matter of fixation of pay in case of promotion from lower to higher posts in over-lapping scales available to permanent employee to the employees on Regular establishment) | |||
03-04-0956 | Procedure regarding grant of TA where employees of the Board are summoned in the Courts. | |||
01-01-1970 | Procedure for writing of "Losses on stock and sale of stores and Tools equipmen." | |||
05-04-0956 | (Instructions to stop irregular practice of acknowleging collection of amounts either for consumers or from other parties on the bills itself or on piece of paper and similarly not to indulge in the habit of not paying such collection into treasury or ban | |||
06-04-0956 | (Conditions and working arrangements arived at after carrying out the Negotiations with Western Railway for obtaining prior permission for laying of cables wires etc. across Railways.) | |||
09-04-0956 | (Not to insist on giving the service connection charges in advance before the work is done in case of Govt. Offices where the practice of paying the bills after they are checked & measured and entered into measurement books prevails.) | |||
09-04-0956 | Industrial (Development and Regulation) Act,1951. Requirements under the- | |||
09-04-0956 | Regional Language examination -Passing of by the non-muslim displaced persons in the employ of the Board. | |||
12-04-0956 | Delay in payment of Running Account or Final Bills. | |||
17-04-0956 | Minimum qualification and experience required for the post of meter Tester. | |||
27-04-0956 | Salient features of the Factory Act, 1948 and the Bombay Factories Rules 1950 applicable to Bombay Electricity Board. | |||
27-04-0956 | Procedure to followed in relation to grant of extension of time limit and Delegation of powers to Bombay Electricity Board Officers | |||
08-05-0956 | Levy of fees for the services of Electric Inspector. | |||
10-05-0956 | Regulation of increments according to quarters (Ammendments to Bombay Electricity Board Employees Service Regulations-C.S. No. 39) | |||
10-05-0956 | Addtions in the Accounts Heads prescribed by the Board. | |||
10-05-0956 | Writing of Consumers General Ledger form E. S/6. | |||
10-05-0956 | Definition of pay for purposes of calculating allowances drawn with pay such as dearness allowance, Compensatory Local Allowance, House Rent Allowance etc. | |||
10-05-0956 | Supplier's copy of the Stores Receipt Note for D.G.S.D. purchases. | |||
22-05-0956 | The Workmen's Compensation Act. | |||
22-05-0956 | Staff Welfare Fund. | |||
30-05-0956 | Transfer of changes-time limit for. | |||
30-05-0956 | Contributory Provident fund Regulations (correction slip No. 40) | |||
04-06-0956 | Mode of payment of consumer's bill by cheques and commission therefor. | |||
04-06-0956 | Delegation of powers for extension of lines. | |||
07-06-0956 | Delegation of powers under Bombay Electricity Board Employees Service Regulations (Read with corrigendum dt. 22-06-1956, and Addendum dt. 15-02-1957 as well as Addendum dated 06-03-1957) | |||
07-06-0956 | Delegation of powers to declare or to certify any material or scrap as required under clause 3(6) of the Bombay Electricity Board. (Administration of Funds and Properties) Regulation ,1955) | |||
14-06-0956 | Govt. Law Officers-Engagement of-for the Board's work. | |||
18-06-0956 | (Where the Junior Engineer cannot be provided accomodation in Board's own building then to hire suitable premises on behalf of Board at reasonable rent and to assign to the post of Jr. Engineer's post so that any person holding the post could occupy the q | |||
19-06-0956 | (Non-forwarding of applications of Board employees invited by Government or outside agencies for recruitment to IAS service.) | |||
21-06-0956 | (Application of orders issued in the GSO 48 in connection with Departmental test in Book keeping for Senior Accounts Clerks to the candidates appearing for Hindi Regional Language anfd Professional Examinations in the matter of TA for journey to attend th | |||
22-06-0956 | (Making optional for the Jr. Engineers (E&M) to appear & Pass in the paper on the Elements on Commercial Accounts included in the Professional Examination and to regard such passing as an additional qualification while considering promotions.) | |||
22-06-0956 | (Recongnition of the Diploma in Engineering awarded by the Central Board of Tech. Education, Govt. of Mysore for the purpose of recruitment to subordinate Technical posts such as Sub Engrs., Assitt. Operators and other equivalent posts and authorising sel | |||
22-06-0956 | Fixing up of a limit of good service for promotion to subordinate Technical posts. | |||
27-06-0956 | i) Rules of Conduct for Audit and other Sections, and ii) Scope of responsibility of the a)the Divisional Auditors or Audit Assistants, b) The Divisional Accountants or Accounts Assistants. | |||
04-07-0956 | (Substitution of provisions in the matter of submission and settlement of claims pertaining to the TA, Pay & Allowances.) | |||
06-07-0956 | Supply of cement for Board's construction works and payment of bills of M/s Cement Marketing Co. of india (Private) Ltd., | |||
07-07-0956 | Procedure to be followed in giving service connections at low tension. | |||
12-07-0956 | (Exemption from necessity of appearing in Part-I of the departmental tests in Book-keeping for Senior Accounts Clerks to the holders of specified recognised diplomas. | |||
12-07-0956 | (Correction to BEB Employee's S. Rs.- (Correction Slip No. 41,42,43,,44,45 & 46) | |||
17-07-0956 | Rs. 150-10-270 (mofussil) to the candidates possessing the diploma in Electrical Technology from the Indian Institute of Science, Banglore who are and would be, selected for appointment as JE (E&M) and to maintain the "BLOCK Seniority" of the candidates w | |||
27-07-0956 | Authorisig EEs to delegate powers to Surveyors and Technical Assistants including those on work-charged establishment to record measurments for survey upto Rs. 150/- P.M. not exceeding Rs, 25/- in value at a time.) | |||
02-08-0956 | (Extending the concesion granted to the Jr. Engineers in GSO No.114 to the categaries of transferable staff such as Sub-Engineers, Assistant Engineers, Dy. Executive Engineers, Divisional Accountants/Auditors, Audit Assistants etc. and authorising the Su | |||
06-08-0956 | Principels to be adopted in th matter of fixing seniority of different classes of the Board's employees. | |||
09-08-0956 | (Procedure to be adopted while inviting tenders for extra items of the same or different kinds in respect of Works Contract in progress.) | |||
09-08-0956 | Fixing of rent for issues of T & P on loan to Contractors, piece Workers, Local Bodies and Private pesons. | |||
20-08-0956 | (Decision taken by the Board after Reviewing the system of pay fixation in the case of recognised diploma holders appointed as Sub-Engrs, Asstt. Operators etc. in the Board's service and that of the similarly qualified candidate appointed in Govt. Service | |||
28-08-0956 | (Removing anamoly in case of certain unmarried Jr. Engineers promoted as Assistant Engineers in the matter of payment of D.A.) | |||
28-08-0956 | Mode of payment of consumer's bill by cheques. | |||
31-08-0956 | Delegation of powers for acceptance of a tender which is not the lowest and rejecting of the lowest tender for reasons of not confirming to the specification or on grounds of unfavourable delivery etc. | |||
04-09-0956 | Delegation of powers to sign receipts for cash received in Head Office. | |||
11-09-0956 | (Correction to BEB Employee's S. Rs.- (Correction Slip No. 47 & 48) | |||
13-09-0956 | (Taking effective steps in the matter of recoveries of advanced in respect of T.A. for the purpose of tour and to make arrangement to recover the same in full from the salary bill of the employee concerned within two calender months following the month du | |||
20-09-0956 | (Authrising the Chairman to condone purchases upto a limit of Rs. 500/- in excess of Rs. 3000/- without calling for tenders by public advertisement and without the necessity of seeking Board's ex-post-facto sanction.) | |||
20-09-0956 | Purchase of materials, articles etc required for the central office or Divisional Offices including work-shops. | |||
01-01-1970 | (Correction to BEB Employee's S. Rs.- (Correction Slip No. 49) | |||
21-09-0956 | Power of Telegraph Authority-Sections 42 read with Section 29. (read with Addendum dt. 19-10-1956) | |||
03-10-0956 | Procedure for obtaining post Facto sanction. | |||
09-10-0956 | (Sponsoring of the Board's Engineers for award of Scholarships for pactical training or for post graduate studies in foreign countries. | |||
19-10-0956 | Minimum monthly charges and demand charges payable by consumers in the case of breakdown of power supply. | |||
24-10-0956 | Concession of free supply of electricity and water to the staff employed on operation & maintenance works and provided with residential quarters. | |||
30-10-0956 | Procedure for Audit in Head Office and Divisions. | |||
30-10-0956 | Difficulty of banking Board's receipts in the Treasuries within 24 hours. | |||
30-10-0956 | Delegation of powers-Signing of receipts for cash received at the Divisions, Sub-Divisions and the Power Houses. | |||
30-10-0956 | Payment of General Sales Tax charges. | |||
05-11-0956 | Street lighting service to Municipalties-Minimum wattage of lamps. | |||
05-11-0956 | Security Deposit against energy consumption and meters fron the staff members of the Board. | |||
05-11-0956 | Delegation of powers to Chairman to waive the penalty in certain cases to fulfil the contract etc. | |||
05-11-0956 | Maximum amount of cash to be retained in the Division at any time. | |||
05-11-0956 | Supply to Agricultural consumers-Procedure to be followed in giving service connections and setting up on transformer centers. | |||
24-11-0956 | Maximum amount of cash to be retained in the Division at any time. (Correction Slip No. 50) | |||
24-11-0956 | (Removing ambiguity capable of incorrect interpertation leading to confusion in the matter of making up the loss in the total emoluments by payment of additional Dearness Allowance to the unmarried Jr. Engineers on tteir promotion as Assistant Engineers | |||
08-12-0956 | Delegation of powers on works contacts and allied matters (read with Corrigendum dated 31st Mar. 1957) | |||
18-12-0956 | Defects in S.R. Notes. | |||
10-12-0956 | Street lighting service providing lamps on brackets. | |||
18-12-0956 | Delegation of powers for recording of measurement. | |||
18-12-0956 | Providing accomodation to the Junior Engineers etc. working in the field under the Board. | |||
02-01-0957 | Stores Purchase Procedure - Revision of - | |||
02-01-0957 | Payment of monthly salaries and wages to the employee of the H.O. Divisions , Sub-Divisions and Power Houses. | |||
02-01-0957 | Compulsary contribution of the Contributory Provident Fund. | |||
02-01-0957 | Transfer T.A. Regulations. | |||
02-01-0957 | Sanctioning of - a) Extra items in respect of works contracts and b) increase in Tender Rates. | |||
05-01-0957 | Amplification of Regulation 59 (A) and 38 (a) of the Bombay Electricity Board Employee's Service Regulations. | |||
08-01-0957 | Time-Limit for settlement of supplementary claims of pay and allowances (other than traveling allowances.) | |||
08-01-0957 | Abbreviated Telegraphic addresses. | |||
12-01-0957 | Admissibility of mileage on tour. | |||
12-01-0957 | Competent Authority to file suits and to institute other legal proceedings on behalf of the Board and also to defend legal proceedings instituted against the Board. | |||
18-01-0957 | (Withholding of increments for non-passing of Hindi Examination.) | |||
28-01-0957 | Inclusion of charge allowance, shorthand allowance etc. in the leave salary payable to Board's employees. | |||
28-01-0957 | Payment of advance of leave salary and wages to employees governed by Factories Act. | |||
28-01-0957 | Delegation of powers to relax the condition of age limit. | |||
04-02-0957 | Procedure of notifying New Schemes and alterations in the existing schemes. | |||
04-02-0957 | Mode of payment by cheques and commission therefor. | |||
05-02-0957 | Payment to labourers engaged on Nominal Muster Roll No. 103 | |||
15-02-0957 | Allotment of Residential Quarters to the staff at concessional rent and grant of the concession of free supply of water and electricity. | |||
18-12-0957 | Disposal of unserviceable and surplus material. | |||
26-02-0957 | Rural electrification of towns and villages not included under the sanctioned schemes in the Second Five Year Plan (read with Corrigendum dt. 31-03-1957) | |||
06-03-0957 | Delegation of powers on works contacts and allied matters. | |||
01-01-1970 | NOT ISSUED | |||
08-03-0957 | Annual Physical stock-taking as on 31-03-1957 and submission of Inventories therefor to the Bombay Office. | |||
15-03-0957 | Adoption of decimal currency as from 1st April, 1957. | |||
20-03-0957 | Some irregularities in connection with works contracts and clarifications of procedure. | |||
30-03-0957 | Grant of compensatory holidays. | |||
30-03-0957 | Mode of receipt of tenders and reduction of security deposit in special cases in the mofussil. | |||
03-04-0957 | Service Regulations of the Bombay Electricity Board. | |||
04-04-0957 | Delegation of powers for recording of measurements. | |||
06-04-0957 | Stores Purchase Works Contract Procedure | |||
06-04-0957 | Accounting and Banking System in Vidarbha area. | |||
06-04-0957 | Accounting and Banking System in Saurashtra area. | |||
09-04-0957 | Delegation of powers-Signing of receipts for cash received at the Divisions, Sub-Divisions and the Power Houses. | |||
13-04-0957 | A) Procedure of auditing and passing of Bills in Vidarbha area. B) Procedure for Stores Purchase . C) Works in progress. | |||
01-01-1970 | A) Procedure of auditing and passing of Bills in Saurashtra area. B) Procedure for Stores Purchase . C) Works in progress. | |||
16-04-0957 | Options offered by the BSEB to the Employees of the BSEB, M.P. Electricity Board, Saurashtra Electricity Board, Electricity Deprtment of Kutch and Marathwada ( Also see Addendum dated 24-04-1957) | |||
16-04-0957 | Bombay Electricity Board Employee's Service Regulations Amendment to Regulation 47 of the - (Hours of Attendence) | |||
16-04-0957 | Adoption of decimal currency as from 1st April, 1957 - Electricity Duty Billing procedure | |||
25-04-0957 | Appointment of work-charged Estt. & temporary staff. | |||
30-04-0957 | Regional Language Test-passing of by the non-muslim displaced persons under the Bombay State Electricity Board. | |||
03-05-0957 | Redesignation of the posts in the Bombay State Electricity Board etc. | |||
07-05-0957 | 1) Accounting arrangements and Banking Accounts. 2) Authorities to open Banking Accounts and to Sign cheques. | |||
13-05-0957 | Amendments to CPF Regulation in the Employees Service Manual. | |||
13-05-0957 | Amendments to CPF Regulation in the BSEB Regulations. | |||
14-05-0957 | Expenses incurred for the entertainment of distinguished visitors. | |||
21-05-0957 | Regional Language Test-passing by the non-muslim displaced persons under the Bombay State Electricity Board. | |||
25-05-0957 | (Reporting of irregularity of utilising sums received by the Board for any expenditure for making any payments without crediting to the account of the Board for obtaining the condonation by the Board.) | |||
25-05-0957 | Delegation of powers to Chairman. | |||
25-05-0957 | Reservation of Railway and Air passages and cancellations. Reimbursment of the cost of- | |||
07-06-0957 | Legal procedure. | |||
08-06-0957 | Audit set up at Circle Offices in Vidarbha, Saurashtra, Kutch & Marathwada-Scope of responsibility of Auditors. | |||
10-06-0957 | Delegation of powers | |||
10-06-0957 | Delegation in respect of Stores Purchases. | |||
18-06-0957 | Delegation of powers to Chairman, Bombay State Electricity Board in connection with the Telephone connections for residence. | |||
22-07-0957 | Modification of Regulation 47 of the BSEB Employees S.Rs. | |||
19-07-0957 | Effective dates for the Service Regulations, Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Procedure, Hours of attendence etc. | |||
19-07-0957 | Grant of washing and Roneo allowance. | |||
20-07-0957 | Pay-scales for certain categories of posts and modifications to certain Regulations of th Board. | |||
22-07-0957 | Authority for the disposal of the Board's Assets. | |||
22-07-0957 | C.P.F deduction in respect of Employees of former BEB | |||
22-07-0957 | Powers to sanction expenditure on Board's Vehicle's repairs. | |||
23-07-0957 | Breach of orders for transfer issued by Competent Authorities. | |||
26-07-0957 | BSEB-Employees (Pay Fixation) Reglns. (Corr. To GSO 198 of 16-04-1957) | |||
26-07-0957 | Scales of allowances such as D.A.,C.L.A. and H.R.A. | |||
26-07-0957 | Pay fixation Regulations-Provisions for compensation under the- | |||
30-07-0957 | Grant of higher starting pay to recognised diploma holdrs recruited as Sub-Engrs.,Asstt. Operators, Supervisors, Overseers etc. under the Board. | |||
02-08-0957 | Breach of orders for transfer by Competent Authorities. (Addendum to GSO 224 dt. 23-07-1957) | |||
12-08-0957 | Payments to be made of over Rs. 10,000/- in the Divisions for release of RRs & documents from the local Banks the terms of contract. | |||
12-08-0957 | 1) Passing and payment of Bills upto and including Rs. 20,000/- by S.Es. Of other Circle or Senior Exe. Engineers in charge of other Circles. | |||
12-08-0957 | Delegation of powers to Chairman to decide and award contracts in certain circumstances. | |||
12-08-0957 | Modification to Regulation 44 of the BSEB Employees S.Rs. | |||
12-08-0957 | Grant of Conveyance allowance and mileage allowance to Officers maintaining Cars in Divisions and other Offices etc. | |||
12-08-0957 | Discontinuance of orderlies placed at the disposal of Officers in the Vidarbha Region. | |||
27-08-0957 | Delegation of powers of Chief Internal Auditors to Shri. R.V. Trivedi (Joint Chief Internal Auditor) | |||
27-08-0957 | Passing and payment of final bills of works contracts at Circle Office. | |||
27-08-0957 | Delegation of powers for passing and payment of bills and for signing cheques upto and including Rs.10,000/- by the Executive Engineers (Administration and Technical Co-operation ) in the Circle Offices. | |||
27-08-0957 | 1) Redesignation of Resident Engineer in charge of power houses. 2) Power House Superintendents to be declared as equivalent in grade to Executive Engineer for purposes of drawing | |||
03-09-0957 | Electrification of rural areas Towns and Villges not included under the sanctioned scheme in the Second Five Year Plan. | |||
09-09-0957 | Delegation of powers to the Joint Chief Accounts Officer. | |||
09-09-0957 | Payment of Permanent deposit by the registered contractors-tendering Government securities in respect of- | |||
09-09-0957 | Delegaion of powers for condoning the overlappage during transfer of staff. | |||
11-09-0957 | Effective dates for the Service Regulations, Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Procedure, Hours of attendence etc. | |||
12-09-0957 | Traveling Allowance Regulations. | |||
12-09-0957 | i) Grant of a special pay to a local oficer when shown against a higher post on his existing pay and grade & ii) Exercise of all powers incidental to higher post by such a local Officer. | |||
13-09-0957 | Decentralisation of the functions of the Bombay State Electricity Board. | |||
13-09-0957 | Variations in duty either excise/import duty to be borne by. | |||
16-09-0957 | Note below Regulations 58 (d) of the BSEB Employees SRs. | |||
16-09-0957 | Pay fixation Regulations (Corrigendum to GSO 198, as corrected by GSOs 225/227) | |||
19-09-0957 | Arrangement during Municipal elections. | |||
19-09-0957 | Traveling Allowance Regulations (Corrigendum to GSO no.245) | |||
25-09-0957 | Works Contracts-Payment of Running Accounts bill for the progressive work carried out. | |||
25-09-0957 | Delegaion of powers. | |||
27-09-0957 | Ammendment to clause 9 of the stores purchase and works contract procedure and procedure for advertisement (GSO 192) | |||
27-09-0957 | Procedure for advertising Board's advertisements in the newspapers on approved list (Also circlar No. SCR 99/57486 dated 18/20.10.1958 | |||
28-09-0957 | Board's current account No. A for lodging of receipt in the Banks in Vidarbha area-Endorsment on cheques to be credited to 'A'acconut. | |||
28-09-0957 | Home Guard, Territorial Army and Auxiliary Air Force Organisations-Facilities to the Board's Employyes. | |||
28-09-0957 | Grant of petty imprest to the Cashiers in the circle Offices and in Divisional Offices. | |||
28-09-0957 | Pay fixation of employyes in the Mofussil areas-audit work in respect of - | |||
05-10-0957 | Decentralisation of the functions of the Bombay State Electricity Board. | |||
08-10-0957 | Authority to the Chairman to post surplus personnel holding higher posts against lower posts sanctioned in the staff set up with higher scale as personal to them. | |||
08-10-0957 | Rent limits prescribed for hiring accommodation in the name of Board. | |||
10-10-0957 | Powers to sanction expenditure on the repairs of the Board's Vehicles. | |||
10-10-0957 | Signing of Consumer's bills before issue. | |||
11-10-0957 | (Approving the nature and scope of the internal audit) | |||
12-10-0957 | Advance of pay to the employees of the Board on the eve of the important festivals. | |||
16-10-0957 | (Introducing a uniform system of disposal of reference/letters received from Government Central Water & Power Commission and the public and private undertakings in respect of requirements of power in various areas. | |||
16-10-0957 | Principels for the fixation of the seniority. | |||
18-10-0957 | Issue of material to the contractors which are not included in schedule 'A' of the tender. | |||
26-10-0957 | Board principels in respect of integration of seniorities of different integrating units in respect of Technical Officers of the rank of Junior Engineers and above non-Technical Class-I Officers. | |||
29-10-0957 | Delegaion of powers. | |||
29-10-0957 | Hours of attendence for the South Gujarat Circle, Utran | |||
05-11-0957 | Annual increaments etc. to the staff in the pre-merged areas prior to the integration-sanction to the- | |||
06-11-0957 | Casual Leave | |||
12-11-0957 | Delegaion of powers. | |||
16-11-0957 | Powers to declare Saturday as weekly off. | |||
18-11-0957 | Delegaion of powers to Assistant Engineers under training. | |||
18-11-0957 | Medical facilities to the staff. | |||
18-11-0957 | Delegation provided under the BSEB Regulations or Resolutions. | |||
18-11-0957 | T.A. Regulations. | |||
18-11-0957 | Earned leave accumulation of- | |||
18-11-0957 | (Persantage of the compensation for extra hours of attendence and curtailed leave facilities payable in terms of the options offered under the Board's Circular No. SCR 131 (2) of 07-03-1957 to the staff in different areas who become eligible to such compe | |||
21-11-0957 | (Granting the Imprest Account to the Cashiers at the discretion of the Circle or Divisional Officers in charge, in order to obviate the difficulty experienced in making small puchases after pre audit in every case. | |||
26-11-0957 | Departmental Examination in Accounts procedure and Rules for. | |||
09-12-0957 | Use of English Language in correspondence by the BSEB. | |||
12-12-0957 | Grant of Conveyance allowance and mileage allowance to Officers maintaining Cars in Divisions and other Offices etc. | |||
16-12-0957 | Travelling Allowance Regulations-Amendment to Regulation 94 as amended by GSO No. 245 dt. 12-09-1957. | |||
20-12-0957 | Modifications to 12th Schedule-delegation of Powers-"A" Creation of posts" | |||
20-12-0957 | Subscription to news papers by the Field Officers. | |||
21-12-0957 | Payment of transportation charges of Motor cars and Motor cycles-Addtion to Service Regulations under T.A. | |||
24-12-0957 | Delegaion of powers to Chairman. | |||
24-12-0957 | Modifications to Regulation 68 and 78 (V) of BSEB Employee's S.Rs. | |||
26-12-0957 | Delegaion of powers to the Senior Executive Engineer (Stores) | |||
30-12-0957 | (Replacing (1) The BSEB (Administration of Funds and Properties) Regulations 1957 and (2) the Accounting procedure under GR No.ESA-2657-k(iii) issues under the GSO No. 204 dated 07-05-1957 and its renotification duly updated embodying the amendments appr | |||
04-01-0958 | Grant of Conveyance allowance and mileage allowance to Officers maintaining Cars in Divisions and other Offices etc. | |||
04-01-0958 | Permanent sanction for performing journeys beyond the jurisdiction outside the State of Bombay where grid net-work extends. | |||
06-01-0958 | Contributory Provident fund Rules Amendment to rules 127 (b) and 125 (a) and addition of Rule 125 ? to BSEB Employees S.Rs. (correction slip No. 40) | |||
09-01-0958 | Policy of extension to nearby villages not included in the plan or in the sanctioned scheme. | |||
10-01-0958 | Supply of copies of orders sanctioning expenditure to Audut. | |||
14-01-0958 | Principels adopted regarding fixation of seniority of non-technical staff of the rank of Assistant Accountant and above excluding Class-I Officers. | |||
14-01-0958 | Delegaion of powers to Chairman. | |||
21-01-0958 | Appropriate Authorities under Regulation 90 of the Bombay State Electricity Board Employees Service Regulations. | |||
21-01-0958 | Advance to the employees of the Integrated Areas against C.P. Fund and G.P. Fund Accumulations. | |||
21-01-0958 | Powers for recording of measurement to Overseers and Supervisors. | |||
21-01-0958 | Advertisement. | |||
23-01-0958 | Stores purchase and works contract procedure. | |||
23-01-0958 | Decentralisation of the work relating to the Board's Contributory Provident fund. | |||
25-01-0958 | Authority to the Secretary to certify reasonableness of rent for the purpose of H.R.A. payable in individual cases where it is calculated on persantage of pay and actual rent paid. | |||
06-02-0958 | Grant of Washing and Roneo allowance. | |||
08-02-0958 | Permission to Board's employees to broadcast from All India Radio. | |||
08-02-0958 | Discipline and Appeal Procedure- Inspection of documents- Demand for?.. | |||
08-02-0958 | Payment of Railway credit Notes bills in respect of Railway freight payable to Western and South Estern Railways. | |||
11-02-0958 | Annual Physical stock-taking as on 31-03-1958 and submission of Inventories therefor to the Bombay Office, with a copy to the C.O. | |||
20-02-0958 | Treating the employees on Regular Establishment of the Bombay State Electricity Board as permanent employees for the purpose of Bombay State Electricity Board Service Regulations. | |||
20-02-0958 | Adoption of General Standing Orders No. 1 to 189. | |||
20-02-0958 | Delegaion of powers to sign receipts for cash received at distribution centers headed by Supervisors in Vidarbha Area. | |||
20-02-0958 | Modifications to Twelth Schedule- Delegation of powers - 'A' Creation of Posts. (Addendum to GSO No.289) | |||
20-02-0958 | Forwarding of applications of the Board's Employees for posts in Koyana Organisation (Elect.) | |||
07-03-0958 | Celebrations for Republic day 1958. | |||
07-03-0958 | Administrative set-up of the Board in the mofussil areas and in the Head Office. | |||
15-03-0958 | Village Electrification works. Amplification of Delegation of giving service connections under the - | |||
15-03-0958 | Absence from duty of two representatives of the Employees Union Utran for attendence in the Industrial Course, Bombay treating of the -as on duty. | |||
24-03-0958 | Delegations of power to install telephones. | |||
24-03-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chairman for creation of posts. | |||
24-03-0958 | General Provident Fund Facility of contribution to the - sought by the Vidarbha staff. | |||
31-03-0958 | Delegations of powerfor fixing the price of publications of the Board of the nature of Administration Reports, Service Regulations, Accounts code etc. | |||
07-04-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chairman for creation of posts. | |||
07-04-0958 | Authority competent to grant overtime to employees. | |||
14-04-0958 | Traveling Allowance to Board's employees for attending interviews | |||
14-04-0958 | Delegation of powers to sanction equipment and outfit allowance and incidental expenses to Board's Officers. | |||
14-04-0958 | Delegations of power to Chairman. | |||
14-04-0958 | Delegations of power to shift/Fix headquarters of a Sub-Division. | |||
19-04-0958 | Terms and conditions for providing facilities for practical training to the Engineering Colleges and Institutions in the Schemes and projects of the Board. | |||
23-04-0958 | Rates of Dearness Allowance for employees on work-charged establishment. | |||
23-04-0958 | i) Delegations of power to Chairman in respect of revenue collection. ii) Revenue collection work in villages around Wardha. | |||
06-05-0958 | Delegations of powers of Chief Internal Auditor to Shri. J.P. Moolay, Officiating joint Chief Internal Auditor. | |||
10-05-0958 | Maximum amount of cash to be retained in the Division at any time---- Delegations of powers in respect of ---- | |||
15-05-0958 | Taking of Peons on tour by officers - exception to note 1 below Bombay State Electricity Board Employees Service Regulation No. 94. | |||
15-05-0958 | i) Selection of W.C. and N.M.R. Employees for appintment on the regular establishment. ii) Modifications to 12th Schedule-delegation of Powers-"A" Creation of posts (GSO No. 289 dated 20-12-1957.) | |||
15-05-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chairman to sanction extension of the training period or stay abroad in respect of Board's staff. | |||
20-05-0958 | Compensatory Local allowance and House Rent Allowance to Board's employes. | |||
22-05-0958 | Regulation of next date of increment in case of employees who have exercised option II. | |||
22-05-0958 | i) Fixing the distance from face to face and side to side of buildings. ii) Delegations of power to Chief Engineer. | |||
30-05-0958 | Bombay State Electricity Board Employees Medical Benefit Scheme. | |||
30-05-0958 | Introction of standard terms & conditions governing part-time appointment under the Board. | |||
02-06-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chief Engineer and Joint Chief Engineers in respect of opening of Building and cash Centers. | |||
02-06-0958 | Modification of Regulation 81 of the BSEB Employees Service Regulations. | |||
02-06-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chairman to sanction advance to Officers of the Board selected for training | |||
02-06-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chairman for grant of Water Allowance to the Board's staff posted in the water scarcity areas, during summer season. | |||
02-06-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chairman nd Joint Chief Engineers in respect of providing water-coolers and iced water and khastatties respectively. | |||
13-06-0958 | Delays in payment of bills. | |||
13-06-0958 | Compensation for conversion from A.C. to D.C. | |||
14-06-0958 | General Provident Fund Facility of contribution to the - sought by the Vidarbha staff. (Modification to G.S.O No. 326 dated 24-03-1958) (Board Resolution No. 1098) | |||
16-06-0958 | Delegations of power for conducting irregularity in matter of remittance of cash collections into the Board's Working Fund account. | |||
16-06-0958 | Reimbursment of medical examination fees to employees of the Board who superannuate while in the service of the Board. | |||
16-06-0958 | Delegations of powers to the Chairman to sanction expenditure in connection with the inauguration ceremonies. | |||
17-06-0958 | Introction of standard terms & conditions governing part-time appointment under the Board. (Corrigendum to G.S.O. No. 346 dt. 30-05-1958) | |||
20-06-0958 | Officiating periods - Counting of - for purpose of increments. | |||
27-06-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chief Engineer and Joint Chief Engineers in respect of opening of Billing and cash Centers.(Corrigendum to G.S.O. No. 347 dt. 02-06-1958 B.R. No.1165) | |||
02-07-0958 | Benefit of Housing Accomodation and other attendent concessions to the staff in the integrated areas. | |||
05-07-0958 | Delegations of powers to depute officersto visit the collieries or other offices concerned. | |||
07-07-0958 | Land Acquisition for Statutory bodies ---Procedure to be followed in respect of --- | |||
10-07-0958 | Switching on' Ceremonies. | |||
14-07-0958 | Availability of leave in respect of deputation on foreign training. | |||
19-07-0958 | Amendment to the General Rules and Directions for the guidance of Contractors-Schedule C- Part II B. | |||
23-07-0958 | Travelling Allowance Regulations-Amendment to Regulation 94 (as amended by GSO No. 245 and No.288) | |||
23-07-0958 | Facilities for practical training in commercial accounts including audit and other matters for staff of other State Electricity Board's, Government or quasi-Government Organisations; -Delegation of powers regarding---- | |||
23-07-0958 | Circumstances when payments may be made by cash. | |||
30-07-0958 | Grant of Roneo Allowance and Delegation of powers thereunder. | |||
31-07-0958 | Advances against CPF balances- Competent Authority to sanction. | |||
05-08-0958 | Delegation of powers for payment of intial insurance premium - Amenment to GSO o. 192. | |||
05-08-0958 | Delegation of powers in respect of despatch of materials by road. | |||
06-08-0958 | Constitution of the Zonal committee to carry out the functions of the Selection Panel and Tender committee and also functions in para 10 read with para 11 of the GSO No. 321 dt. 07-03-1958. | |||
12-08-0958 | Delegation of powers in respect of placing of orders for stationery. | |||
30-08-0958 | Rules regarding grant of advance of T.A. and Pay on tour and transfer and delegation of powers thereunder Modification to G.S.O. No9,15,138 and 192. (also correction slip No. 1 dt. 15-03-1975) | |||
30-08-0958 | Delegation of powers for payment of compensation to an injured workman as provided under Workmen's Compansation Act, Amendment to G.S.O.192. (Also Correction Slips No. 1 dt. 09-05-1959 to 11 dt. 23-02-1988) | |||
30-08-0958 | Grant of Washing and Roneo allowance. (GSO No. 219 & 370) | |||
05-09-0958 | Anti-rabic treatment - concession to Board's employees undergoing. | |||
11-09-0958 | Writing and Maintenance of Confidential Reports in respect of Board's employees. | |||
11-09-0958 | Supply of uniforms and other articles to the employees of the Bombay State Electricity Board. (Also Correction Slip No. 1 dt. 27-08-69) | |||
11-09-0958 | Limis of cash to be retained in the Divisional Office - Amendment to GSO No. 154 to 156. | |||
11-09-0958 | Admimissibility of transfer travelling allowance to staff on work-charged establishment and delegation of powers thereunder. | |||
11-09-0958 | i) Legal aid to employees of the Board when prosecuted for any act while on duty. ii) Delegation of powers thereunder. | |||
11-09-0958 | Delegation of powers under Bombay Electricity Board Employees Service Regulations 68. | |||
24-09-0958 | Delegations of power to the Chairman in respect of foreign training of Board's employees under the award of scholarship of foreign countries or training under allied conditions. | |||
24-09-0958 | Anti-rabic treatment - concession to Board's employees undergoing - Corrigendum to GSO No. 379 dt. 05-09-1958. | |||
24-09-0958 | 1. Opening of a Pension Fund. 2. Competent Authority to sanction pension, commuted value and pension contribution. | |||
24-09-0958 | Reallocation of the employees of the Bombay State Electricity Board to other Boards and vice versa - Delegation of powers to Chairman. | |||
25-09-0958 | Delegations of powers - Amplification of GSO's 254 and 321. | |||
30-09-0958 | Authority to the Secretary to certify reasonableness of rent for the purpose of H.R.A. payable in individual cases where it is calculated on persantage of pay and actual rent paid. (Modification to G.S.O. No. 309 dated 25-01-1958) | |||
04-10-0958 | Delegations of powers to the Chairman to deal with cases of absence of staff for reasons beyond their control. | |||
04-10-0958 | Delegations of powers to the Chairman under Regulations 63 (a) of the Bombay State Electricity Board's Service Regulations. (Modification to sixth schedule) | |||
07-10-0958 | Delegations of powers to the Chairman in matter of relaxation of age limit and grant of higher starting salary in respect of staff of a licensee required to be absorbed in the service of the Board. | |||
07-10-0958 | Competent Authorities for sanctioning T.A. Bills in the Mofussil offices. (Modification to sixth schedule) | |||
13-10-0958 | Supply of uniforms and other articles to the employees of the Bombay State Electricity Board. (in continuation of G.S.O. No. 381 dt. 11-09-1958) | |||
20-10-0958 | Supply of uniforms and other articles to the employees of the Bombay State Electricity Board. (in continuation of G.S.O. No. 381 dt. 13-10-1958) | |||
20-10-0958 | Registration of Firms and approved Suppliers of Stores. | |||
24-10-0958 | Modification to B.S.E.B. Employees Service.Regulation 85. | |||
24-10-0958 | Bombay State Electricity Board employees Medical Benefit Scheme. (Modification to GSO No. 345 dt.30-05-1958) | |||
08-11-0958 | Delegation of powers for despatch of materials by road and by passenger trains etc. | |||
14-11-0958 | Revised terms of payment applicable to class 'C' contractors to the Board and delegation of powers thereunder. | |||
18-11-0958 | Report of Losses. | |||
18-11-0958 | Delegations of powers to the Chairman to deal with cases of absence of staff for reasons beyond their control. (Amplification of G.S.O. No. 392 dated 04-10-1958). | |||
18-11-0958 | Delegations of powers to Chairman to order officiating promotions. Modification to Twelth Schedule. | |||
20-11-0958 | Delegations of powers - Passing and Payment of Running Account bills and Final Bills works contract. | |||
24-11-0958 | (1) Terms and conditions for grant of licence for installing and maintaining fixes and mobile wireless stations for various transmission lines. (2) Delegation of powers to Chief Engineer. | |||
24-11-0958 | Use of service stamps in the Board's offices in the State of Bombay | |||
28-11-0958 | Delegations of powers regarding granting of sanction to the detailed technical estimates. | |||
28-11-0958 | Clarification regarding delegation of powers to the Senior Executive Engineer (Stores) | |||
28-11-0958 | Inclusion of 'Vishal Sahyadri Marathi' daily of Poona in the list of News-papers for Board's advertisement - Addition to GSO No. 256 dt. 27-09-1957. | |||
28-11-0958 | Delegations of powers to re-employ the superannuated employees of the Board. | |||
28-11-0958 | Delegations of powers to purchase Acts and Rules and other essential reference books. | |||
28-11-0958 | Delegations of powers to the Chairman to the authorities Board's participation in exhibitions. | |||
28-11-0958 | Amplification of B.S.E.B. Employee's Service Regulation 94 (GSO No. 367) | |||
28-11-0958 | Grant of higher starting pay to Junior Engineers. | |||
29-11-0958 | Grant of higher starting pay to Graduates etc. | |||
03-12-0958 | General (Non-Contributory) Provident Fund (Facility sought by Vidarbha staff) Rules & Regulations for administration of- | |||
15-12-0958 | Telephone installed at the residence of Board's Officers- Charges to be paid by the Board. | |||
15-12-0958 | Tenders-Rules regarding - | |||
15-12-0958 | Delegation of powers in respect of purchase of coal. | |||
15-12-0958 | Utilization of funds or equipment ordered for a sanctioned scheme which has to be abandoned for valid reasons - policy regarding - | |||
24-12-0958 | Change in the present procedure of inviting tenders and reduction in the minimum price of the tenders. | |||
24-12-0958 | Addmissibility of claims in respect of packing charges perffered by employees on transfer - Explanatory note below BSEB Service Regulation 108 A. | |||
27-12-0958 | Supply of Uniforms and other articles to the employees of the Bombay State Electricity Board. (in continuation of G.S.O. No. 381,396, and 397) | |||
27-12-0958 | Addition to B.S.E.B. C.P.F. Regulaions. | |||
27-12-0958 | Condonation of irregu;arity in making payments of incidental charges or late payment of statutory taxes, rent bills and other bills etc. and sanctioning of resulting penalty charges in respect thereof - | |||
09-01-0959 | The Bombay State Electricity Board. ( Administration of Funds and Properties) Regulations 1957. | |||
12-01-0959 | Accidents due to leakage and other faults of electrification - payment of compensation etc. | |||
13-01-0959 | Inclusion of 'Pratap' Gujarathi newspaper in the list of news-papers in the approved list of the Board. ( Modification to G.S.O. No. 256 dated 27-09-1957) | |||
13-01-0959 | Powers for recording of measurement to Store-Keepers and Assistant Store Keepers and persons in achrge of Stores. ( Modification to G.S.O. No. 192 dated 06-04-1957) | |||
16-01-0959 | Delegation of powers for finalising the allotment of coal. | |||
16-01-0959 | Modification to 'Insurance' clause incorporated in all the acceptance of Tender forms and Insurance Intimation Form. | |||
21-01-0959 | Electrification of Towns and Villges not included under the sanctioned scheme in the Second Five Year Plan. ( Supersession of G.S.Os. 182 & 240) | |||
21-01-0959 | Revision of the grade of Assitant Accounts/Audit Officers. | |||
21-01-0959 | Works Contracts Proceture - Opening of tenders (Addendum to G.S.O No. 192 'Works Contract Procedure') | |||
21-01-0959 | Payment of Muster rolls upto perscribed limits - Delegation for - subject to post - audit. (Modification to provision ( e) at (50) in G.S.O. No. 192) | |||
22-01-0959 | Revision of delegation of powers for incurring expenditure on repairs to vehicles (Suspension of G.S.O. 192,223 &254) | |||
23-01-0959 | Grant of charge allownce to Assistant Accounts/Audotors posted to hold independent charge of accounts/audit. | |||
23-01-0959 | Delegation of powers to Chairman regarding conditional options exercise by the employees of the formenr Boards and Departments of Electricity of Kutch, and Marathwada in matter of grades, service conditions, hours of work, conduct,discipline etc. (ircular | |||
29-01-0959 | Effective date of the Boards decision. | |||
29-01-0959 | Delegation of powers to the Officers of the Board to act under the various provisions of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948. | |||
03-02-0959 | Principles for the fixation of the seniority (Modification to G.S.O. No.269 dt. 16-10-57 and G.S.O. No.129 dt. 06-08-56 ) | |||
21-02-0959 | Revised terms of power line crossing Railway tracks. | |||
27-02-0959 | Bombay State Electricity Board. (Administration of Funds and Properties Regulations,1957) ( Modification to G.S.O. No.295) | |||
27-02-0959 | levy of fees for supply of information regarding payments and receipts. | |||
27-02-0959 | Budget Estimates and Budgetory control-Appropriate authorities in respect of - | |||
27-02-0959 | a) Competent Authority to certify extension of the tour period. b) Competent Authority to permit an employee to go beyond the circle and Division limits within the State on office work. (Modification to Schedule - VI to the BSEB Service R | |||
12-03-0959 | Delegation of powers to the Officers of the Board to act under the various provisions of the Electricity Supply Act, 1948-Corrigendum to GSO No. 442 dated 29-01-1959. | |||
12-03-0959 | Medical Examination of Bombay State Electricity Board's Officers-Charges to be paid by the Board. | |||
12-03-0959 | Telephone installed at the residence of Board's Officers- Charges to be paid by the Board. | |||
17-03-0959 | Electrification of Towns and Villges not included under the sanctioned schemes in the Second Five Year Plan -Corrigendum to GSO No. 434 dated 21-01-1959. | |||
19-03-0959 | Modification to note I ( c) to Regulation 39 of the B.S.E.B. Employees Service Regulations. | |||
13-04-0959 | Sanctioning of expenditure for celebration of Republic Day and such occassions of National importance. | |||
20-04-0959 | Delegation of powers in respect of permission to be granted to Board's Employees to join Home Guards, Territorial Army, Aux. Air Force and such other organisations. | |||
14-05-0959 | Employees of the Board - Facilities to - | |||
14-05-0959 | Supply of uniforms and other articles to the employees of Bombay State Electricity Board inclusion of line staff for the - | |||
14-05-0959 | Educational facilities to the Employees of the Board. | |||
14-05-0959 | Employees of the Board - Facilities to - | |||
14-05-0959 | Employees of the Board - Facilities to - | |||
23-05-0959 | Delegation of powers regarding work carried out y Board for H.T. Consumers. | |||
23-05-0959 | Grades for the Doctors at the Dispensaries of the Board. | |||
23-05-0959 | Circle to be distinguished by their respective Head Quarters places. | |||
23-05-0959 | Condonation of the delay in producing the physical fitness certificate. | |||
23-05-0959 | Permission to travel by Mail Express Train on transfer. | |||
23-05-0959 | Sanction of Pension when due without waiting for the receipt of commuted value from the Government. | |||
23-05-0959 | Delegation of powers to Chairman - Permission to allow Board's officers to act as paper setter and Examinar of any University or Educational Institution. | |||
23-05-0959 | Competent Authority for fixation of number of instalments for the recovries of excess or overpayments. | |||
09-06-0959 | Medical Examinations of Bombay State Electricity Board Employees - | |||
09-06-0959 | Review of Departmental Examinations. | |||
09-06-0959 | Boad's vehicles - use of - For non - official purposes. | |||
13-06-0959 | Delegation of powers in respect of placing of orders for stationery, drawing materials,printed forms, books etc. | |||
15-06-0959 | Delegation of powers to the Chairman to extend the posting of an employee on his present pay & pay scale against higher post with special pay permissible under GSO No. 246. | |||
15-06-0959 | Stay of Government Auditors, Board's Servants on duty, distinguished visitors etc. in Board's Rest House/ Inspection Bunglows. | |||
15-06-0959 | Unauthorised changes in the original design and scope of works, supply and/ or erection terms. | |||
22-06-0959 | Substitute arrangements in place of Doctors appointed at the Board's dispensaries and in place of panel Doctors appointed under the Medical Benefit Scheme. | |||
22-06-0959 | Zonal Set-ups Functioning thereof - | |||
22-06-0959 | Delegation of powers in respect of invitation of Tenders-Modification to GSO No. 390 dt. 25th September, 1958. | |||
29-06-0959 | Supply of Umbrellas to Bill Collectors, Meter Readers and Meter Inspectors. | |||
29-06-0959 | Shifting of the Head Quarters of a division from one place to another within the Circle - Delegation of powers in respect of - | |||
08-07-0959 | Delegation of powers under Bombay State Electricity Board employees Medical Benefit Scheme GSO 345 dt. 30-05-1958. | |||
08-07-0959 | Grant of Daily Allowance to Peons on tour. | |||
08-07-0959 | Sanction of expenditure for calebration of Republic Day and such occasions of National importance - (Addendum to GSO No. 454 dt. 13-04-1959. | |||
08-07-0959 | Scale of allowance under the Bombay State Electricity Board. | |||
15-07-0959 | Delegation of powers for extension of schemes in villages already electrified ( Modification to GSO No. 254 dt. 25-09-1957 read with GSO No. 322 dt. 15-03-1958. | |||
15-07-0959 | Payment of Royalties in respect of departmental Telephone lines amd telephone connections - Delegation of powers in respect of - | |||
15-07-0959 | Delegation of powers to Chief Engineer to give carting contracts. | |||
15-07-0959 | Disposal of coal ash- Delegation of powers to relating to - | |||
31-07-0959 | Local Purchases - Delegation of powers in respect of - | |||
31-07-0959 | Preliminaries necessary for making payment in respect of purchase of petrol, kerosene and motor lubricants from M/s. Burmah Shell Oil Co. Bombay. | |||
08-08-0959 | Delegation of powers to the Chairman to sanction advances to Officers of the Board selected for training (Corrigendum to GSO No.349 dt.02-06-1959) | |||
21-08-0959 | Supplly of rain coat, rain proof cap etc. to Chowkidars amplification to item I (a) of GSO 381 dt. 25-09-1958. | |||
31-08-0959 | Technical soundness of the sanctioned schemes. | |||
05-09-0959 | Procedure ralating to purchase. | |||
17-09-0959 | Facilitity to avail of accumulated leave (in excess of the limits specified in Board's Regulations) to the credit of Board's employees at the time of joining the services of the Board ( Modification to GSO No. 220 &282) | |||
17-09-0959 | Delegation of powers in respect of passing and payment of bills. ( Modification to GSO No. 231 dt. 12-08-1957) | |||
21-09-0959 | Grant of Permanent Travelling Allowance to the Officers of the Board (Supersession of the provisions of G.S.O. No. 234 read with GSO No. 231 dt. 12-08-1957) | |||
29-09-0959 | Refund of Motor Vehicle Tax in respect of the period during which the vehicles are 'off' road. | |||
13-10-0959 | Delegation of powers - signing of Receipt for cash received at the Divisions, Sub-divisions and the Power House. | |||
13-10-0959 | Continuance of the employeees beyond the age of superannuation and delegation of powers for their pay fixation. | |||
13-10-0959 | Compensation for damage to the crops and delegation of powers in connection therewith. | |||
13-10-0959 | Payment of Imprests and disbursment of salaries without pre-audit - Delegation of powers in respect of - | |||
13-10-0959 | Grant of CLA & HRA to Board's employees stationed at Poona. | |||
13-10-0959 | Delegation of powers to depute employees on tour basis for more than 60 days - Modification to Service Regulation-93 | |||
13-10-0959 | Execution of works in the absence of technical sanction of the Competent Authority for schemes administratively approved by the Board. | |||
13-10-0959 | Correction in G.S.Os. 493 &494. | |||
13-10-0959 | Delegation of powers to purchase technical and/or non-technical books for libraries in field offices. | |||
18-10-0959 | Payment of security deposit in case of works contracts. | |||
13-11-0959 | Newspapers for Board's Advertisements. | |||
20-11-0959 | Grant of advances to the employees of the Board for the purchase of Motor Cars/Motor Cycles and Pedal Bicycles. | |||
20-11-0959 | Switching on ceremonies arranged by Minicipalties or Grampanchayats. | |||
20-11-0959 | i) Effective dates for the starting of medical benefit scheme. ii) Employees not covered under the medical benefit scheme- reimbursment to - | |||
20-11-0959 | Prevention of epidemics in areas round about places - Delegation of powers to Heads of Offices where the Board has established its own dispensaries to purchase medicines etc. for- | |||
20-11-0959 | Absence from duty of the representatives of the employees unions to attend conciliaion proceedings - delegation of powers in respect thereof modification to GSO No. 323 dt. 15-03-1958. | |||
20-11-0959 | Grant of washing allowance to Class-IV employees of the Bombay State Electricity Board at the enhanced rates. | |||
23-11-0959 | Supply of Turbance instead of a cap to the Sikh employes of the Board. | |||
26-11-0959 | Registration of contractors and modification of terms and conditions for approved contractors. | |||
30-11-0959 | Medical Examination fee - reimbursement to the employees. | |||
01-12-0959 | Employement Exchange - Assistance of the - to be sought for - | |||
15-12-0959 | Delegation of powers in respect of placing of orders for statinery, drawing materials, printed forms etc. Modification to GSO No. 375 & 472. | |||
17-12-0959 | Incremental rate to be operative in case of employees whose maximum of the pay-scales have been protected. | |||
26-12-0959 | Inclusion of 'Indian Express' for Board's advertisement. (G.S.O. Nos.256,411 and 430) | |||
26-12-0959 | Provisions for the payment of Travelling Allowance in certain eventualities. Additions to BSEB Employees Service Regulation No. 108. | |||
26-12-0959 | Authority to purchase wood or any other materials that are available from Government Deprtment. | |||
29-12-0959 | Permission to employee of the Board who are Chartered Accountants Conference - Delegation of powers in regard to - | |||
29-12-0959 | Forwarding of applications of the Board's Employees for posts in Koyana Organisation (Elect.) (GSO No. 319 dated 20-02-1958) | |||
29-12-0959 | Compensation for damage to the crops and delegation of powers in connection therewith. (GSO No.501) | |||
06-01-0960 | Revision of delegation of powers for incurring expenditure on repairs to vehicles (Modification to G.S.O. No.438 dt.22-01-1959) | |||
08-01-0960 | Grass, garden, produce, garden accumulations etc. in the Board's compound surrounding power houses,Sub-stations etc. disposal of - | |||
08-01-0960 | Supply of uniforms to Sweepers, Swepers -cum- gardeners attached to mofussil offices. | |||
09-02-0960 | General provisions for grant of Death Gratuity to employees of the Board. | |||
09-02-0960 | Bombay State Electricity Board (Administration of Funds and Propetries) Regulations - 1957 Amendment to GSO 295 dt. 30-12-1957. | |||
09-02-0960 | Pledging of National Plan Savings Certificates and National Savings Certificates as security Deposits with the Board. | |||
09-02-0960 | Fixation of rates to be charged for water and electricity in Board's Rest Houses/Inspection Bungow. (GSO No. 474 dated 15-06-1959) | |||
09-02-0960 | Delegation of powers in respect of facilities to be extended to Members of Parliament visiting the Projects and works of the Board. | |||
09-02-0960 | Time limit for submission of claims of reimbursment of medical expenses. | |||
09-02-0960 | Bombay State Electricity Board Employees Medical Benefit Schemes. (Amplificationto GSO No. 345 dt. 30-05-58) | |||
09-02-0960 | Delegation of powers to Chairman regarding training of Board's employees in other corporations, Statutary Bodies etc. | |||
13-02-0960 | Employees Medical Benefit Scheme - Reimbursement to the employees. | |||
15-02-0960 | Delegation of powers to Chairman to sanction free transport facility. | |||
15-02-0960 | Determination of the nature of quarters aquired by this Board from Housing Board's vis-avis the Board's own quarters for the purpose of GSO No. 361. | |||
15-02-0960 | Passing of payment of Running Accounts Bills and Final Bills for work contracts. | |||
26-02-0960 | Eligibility of the employees working as Assistant Operators/ Sub-Engineers for absorption in the alternative higher grades on the basis of experience gained by them deposit inadequacy the basis of qualifications and fixing the length of experience in this | |||
26-02-0960 | Supplies and services to be obtained from Government financed organisations. | |||
04-03-0960 | Supplies and works contract - Delegation in respect of - | |||
04-03-0960 | Village Electrification works - extension of poles under the- Delegation of powers to the field officers in connection with- | |||
17-03-0960 | Board's vehicle - use - for non-official purposes - (GSO No. 471 dated 09-06-1959). | |||
17-03-0960 | Supply of uniforms and other articles to the empoyees of the Bombay State Electricity Board. (GSO No. 396 dated 13-10-1958). | |||
17-03-0960 | Grades for the Doctors at the Dispensaries of the Board. (Modification to GSO No. 462 dated 23-05-1959). | |||
04-04-0960 | Effective date of the Boards decision in regard to grant of Permanent Travelling Allowances ( GSO No. 497 dated 21-09-1959). | |||
04-04-0960 | Compensation for extra gours of work to Government Servants on deputation to the Board. | |||
11-04-0960 | Benefits of Housing Accomodation and other attendent concessions. ( GSO No. 361 dated 02-07-1958). | |||
11-04-0960 | Rules regarding retention of quarters of Board's employees on transfer. | |||
11-04-0960 | Competent Authority to condone delays in submission of T.A. Bills. | |||
11-04-0960 | Introduction of Small Saving Scheme of the Government of Bombay. | |||
19-04-0960 | Employees Medical Benefit Scheme-Reimbursment to the employes. | |||
19-04-0960 | Basis for determination of standard rent of quarters constructed by the Board. | |||
19-04-0960 | Delegation of powers to the Chairman and Regional Members of the Board in respect of ralaxation of age-limit in respect of staff for appointment on a purely remporary basis. ( GSO No. 210 dated 25-05-1957 read with GSO No. 214 dated 10-06-1957). | |||
19-04-0960 | Delegation of powers to the Chairman to grant permission to the employee of the Board who are Members of the Institutes of Cost and Works Accountants to attend All India Cost Conference. | |||
28-04-0960 | Concessions to be given to the employees who receive snake bites. | |||
28-04-0960 | Payment of R.A. Bills when withheld for technical reasons - Delegation of powers to Chairman. | |||
28-04-0960 | Delegation of powers regarding forwading of applications of Board's employees to Univesities/Educational Institutions for appointment as paper setters and /or examiners. | |||
28-04-0960 | Regulations under Section 79 (d) of the Electricity (Supply) Act,1948 | |||
28-04-0960 | Benefits of temporary quarters to the employees on NMR. | |||
29-04-0960 | Grant of Bad Climate Allowance to the employees of the Board. | |||
29-04-0960 | i) Advance of pay to the employees of the Board on the eve of important festivals. (Modification to GSO No. 267 dated 12-10-1957 read with Circular No. EP-8/17078 dated 12-03-1960). | |||
29-04-0960 | Grant of permission to Board's employees to attend meetings of Divisional Develpoment Councils and other meetings convened by the local officers of Government in Bombay or in Districts when invited to attend - Delegation of powers in respect of- | |||
29-04-0960 | Legal procedure- Modification to GSO No. 212 dated 28-05-1957. | |||
19-05-0960 | Delegation of powers to the Chief Engineer to promote diploma holder Sub-Engineers,Assistant Operaters , Supervisors etc. as officiating Junior Engineers. | |||
19-05-0960 | Pay fixation Regualation 1957 - (GSO No. 198 and 521) | |||
23-05-0960 | Seniority lists to be made available for inspection. | |||
23-05-0960 | Transfer of employees. | |||
23-05-0960 | i) Grant of Roneo-Allowance ii) Grant of Blue-Printing allowance. | |||
23-05-0960 | Officiating in a higher post. | |||
23-05-0960 | Modification to BSEB Employees Service.Regulation No. 59. A and part of Regulations 43 and 54. |
Volume I  Volume II  Volume III